18 May 2007

Got a lot of new purchases from i-NSD? UnzipThemAll!

Did you acquire a lot of zipped files from all the fun on i-NSD? Or do you have a ton (like I did) that you just haven't gotten around to unzipping yet? Isn't it a royal pain to unzip them one-by-one? Oh, aye!

Well, here's a nifty little software program designed to do just what it's named: unzip them all. It will unzip .zip, .rar, and .ace files into their own new folders (named the same as the archive's name) in just one click!

In addition, this wee program doesn't require that you have any of the archive programs, such as Winzip or Winrar, installed. It's completely independent. What a nice bonus!

Here's how easy it is...
  1. Start the program.
  2. Navigate to the folder your unzipped files are in. The program recognizes the files and highlights them for you.
  3. Click the Start button.
  4. Watch the progress on the bottom of the box...it's quick!
  • An error code 6 means the file was corrupted and did not unzip. However, if you look in your folder you will see that the program went ahead and created an empty folder anyway.
  • It will not delete your original file so you will have to do that manually.
  • If you have a password protected archive, you can type the password to extract files.

UnzipThemAll is a "donationware" program - that means it's free but it's good karma to donate to the developer. The program is available in both French and in English.

Click here to go get it.