01 May 2009

Hooray, hooray, it's the first of May!

It's also the first day of Beltane...a Celtic quarter day and the start of
the Celtic summer season. Summer? Good grief...Spring has only just
begun and in some places they're still getting snow! Celebrate by
placing a May Day bouquet of flowers on your door (or a friend's door
as a special surprise!) and light a Beltane bonfire outdoors (or in your
fireplace) tonight. If you're in the city, you may want to just light a

Beltane is also a fertility festival. If you're in the mood, you just might
want to snuggle up with your sweetie by that nice romantic blaze
...who knows what might happen!

Last night, 30 April, the Beltane Society held their annual Fire Festival
on Calton Hill in Edinburgh, Scotland. It's a "spectacular revival of the
ancient Celtic fertility festival in the heart of the Scottish capital;" a
"unique and wild procession of fire, drumming, and revelry." If you
were fortunate and got to attend, tell us all about it and send a link
to your photos!

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