That PIRATE wench, Lexi, called me out! She thinks HER pirate stuff is "all that" but mine is waaaaayyyy better! Snap!How about this for word art? And I'm raising you a red wax seal! Ha!
Download no longer available.Take that, Lexi! I'm getting my plank all shiny and waxed and ready for you to walk it...Arrrr!
What do you guys think? Do I have the best free pirate elements or what? What's that? Speak up now, you don't want to walk the plank, too, do you? LOL!
Don't forget to visit me hearties' blogs to grab their freebies, too.
Bunny, Lexi, Heather, Kim, Mel, Lani, Lynn, Dorothy, Teriann, Joy, Cheryl, Darlene
Please, no file sharing...that's digital piracy. Send your friends to this blog so they can get their own copy and participate in our fun little blog war!
Slainte! {Gaelic for Cheers!}